Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Not much time...

I wanted to update quickly. EI came and we are definitely qualified for speech therapy. The girls both performed at a 3-6 month level in that area. There was a 15 percent delay and a 20 percent delay in the gross motor skills area. Both girls were age appropriate in fine motor skills (they corrected to 10 months for their prematurity). All in all it wasn't bad and the women were really surprised how well-behaved LIly and Eve are, but we knew that! We will have a meeting to discuss the therapy. The PT lady was going to talk to the service coordinator about PT for hte girls but because they weren't delayed 25 percent, but 15 and 20, they TECHNICALLY don't qualify.

AND a new video to enjoy!


Jocasta said...

I hope you get PT - must be frustrating to have them not quite qualify. Hopefully Lily and Eve only need a little help and then they will be racing ahead. :)

girlytwins said...

Hopefully your get qualified but if not they will most likely catch up on their own. I think I need to get one of my girls in for speech therapy. She is way behind her sister.

LOVE your video. So cute. What a fun toy. I see another Gwen in our future.

I am Arizona; a person, not a place. said...

I hope you get PT! At least a few sessions...that'd at least help by showing you what activities to do with them. What do they do in speech therapy?