Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Big Head Brigade

Well, it seems Evie has joined the big head brigade. At the girls' 15-month check up, the doctor charted her head size and it is off the charts again so he ordered a CT scan, which is scheduled for 11 a.m. Thursday. Then he proceeded to explain the areas that COULD have retained water, if it is a water retention problem, and which one would be left alone and disappear on its own and which one would require surgery.

Decidedly not the type of thing to tell ME.

I understand that they have to, but still...

So we somehow have to get an over-active 15-month-old to remain sleeping in a strange place, this big machine thingy all around her, for 10 minutes. So not possible unless we drug her...

The doctor said to keep her awake for 4 hours before and give her Benedryl. I'll give it a shot, but I don't see Evie, who walks everywhere and never stops moving, being still without help. (I get that they can strap them there, but still, that would mean still but screaming brains out instead...)

Here's crossing our fingers she "just has a big head." More on Friday...I hope. Depends on how fast CMH reads the thing.


I am Arizona; a person, not a place. said...

I hope she just has a big head, too!!! What a terrible ordeal for her to go through. I can't imagine trying to make my girls sit still either. And I'm sure that machine will be scary for her. Oh, I shouldn't say that. SOrry! But I'm sure you've already thought of it. Good luck. Post info as soon as you know.

Laura said...

I am so sorry to hear (read) this. I am hoping its nothing. I can understand that just getting the test done is very stressful!

Lala said...

I will be sending lots of good vibes your way on Friday! I too hope it is just a big head- when did all the concern come about? Isn't Lily's head close to the same size? I feel for you... sigh.. no envying trying to get a rambunctious baby to lay still-luckily it is only 10 mins and not longer! Wink
Keep us posted!!

Jaime said...

Oh wow! I too am hoping she just has a big head! How stressful for you. Good luck with everything.