Friday, September 5, 2008

Funny story

I knew the girls were being too quiet yesterday, so I went into the kitchen to investigate. I found both of them with a banana in their hand, chowing down on them -- skin and all...

One of them (or both??) had stood on the bottom of their old bouncy activity seat and reached into the bottom cabinet to get the bananas. I pried the skin out of Evie's mouth and moved to take the banana out of Lily's hands.

The little stinker tightened her grip on the banana and next thing I know it's a banana slushy and rips in half. There was squashed banana all over my hands and all over Lily's hands and it was YUCKY. She thought it was hilarious of course.

I did put them in their highchairs and feed them bananas and pears after that. I figure they MUST have been hungry! :-) Now that they know how to climb and Evie can walk everywhere, things are getting interesting!!!


Connie said...

So cute....little stinkers.

girlytwins said...

Hahahaha. Let the fun begin.

Jaime said...

Your girls are so cute! Here comes the trouble makeing stage!:)