Monday, March 24, 2008

Teeth, teeth and more teeth...

I was looking at the girls mouths today and one of Lily's top teeth is officially through now! The other is visible, but hasn't broken out yet. And Eve, the stinker, I can see THREE, count them, THREE teeth on top -- both middle teeth and the one to the right of them. No wonder they've been cranky! I didn't think they would be getting so many teeth at once! We haven't started anything like puffs or anything, because they tend to still suck food off spoons and I haven't seen evidence of them mashing anything. I guess it's also because I'm too chicken to try it... So when the teeth are in more I'll try to get some really toothy grins!


Connie said...

Yay teeth!! They do come fast and furious sometimes, but then it gets over with quickly!! My girls don't have any teeth, and I give them Cheerios...their gums are really hard. Just watch them carefully.

Debra said...

Congrats!! Let the biting begin!! LOL

Jocasta said...

better they come in quick then be a long drawn out process. What about those net container things that you put bits of food in and they can chew on it without getting big chunks.

Kate said...

Never heard of those containers. They sound interesting! I'll have to look them up.

Debra said...

I tagged ya.. check out my blog!